Tuesday, August 31, 2004

I realised earlier (when they sent me an email about it) that the BlogSnob adverts that were on the old version of Low Fidelity got lost by the wayside in the grand redesign the other week - my mistake. You'll be pleased to know that they've now been reinstated, and can be found over there in the right hand column, about half way down. Go on, click it. In fact, whenever you come here, click it. It'll be different every time - it's a bit like weblog Russian roulette!
It's here, and it's a pretty shiny thing. Apple's new iMac G5 was announced today at the Paris Apple Expo (as I predicted it would be last Thursday). And needless to say, I want one. Now. I wonder what else I can sell on eBay?

Thursday, August 26, 2004

I'm still waiting for news of the new Apple iMac G5. It sounds very intriguing. Apparently, in addition to having a G5 processor in instead of a G4, the new iMac will also be a completely new design. I'm wondering where else they can go with the iMac really. Obviously the whole point of the iMac is that it's a single self-contained unit, so I'd be surprised if they didn't stick with that idea, but other than that I haven't got a clue what they're going to do with it. The general consensus on the web is that it'll all be announced at the Paris Apple Expo but we'll just have to wait and see I suppose. After so many desirable machines in the past couple of years, I'm hopeful about this one. If it's good enough, I may even buy one...

Sunday, August 22, 2004

I've just installed a photo upload program that allows you to post pictures on your blog, so I thought I'd test it out using a picture of St Ives I took a couple of weeks ago. What d'ya reckon? Incidentally, you may also notice that you can leave comments on here now, so give it a try if you like. Go on, try it. You might like it...

Friday, August 20, 2004

Apparently Mrs Lacey is very worried about my state of mind. The reason for her concern is that I've just sold my Creative Labs Zen NX on Amazon Marketplace for £150. I put it on there a few days ago in the vain hope that it would sell, and it did! They've been selling on eBay for about £100 - 120, so this was a very good price for it. So there you have it. I have very few gadgets left now, but I have a very healthy bank balance in their place. I think I'm going to save my pennies for the new Apple iMac G5, which is due to be released at the beginning of September. Maybe I'll buy an iPod Mini to go with it... :o)

Sunday, August 15, 2004

So another gadget bites the dust - I've just sold the Gameboy Advance SP on eBay for £75. I took it with me on holiday to Cornwall, and it just sat in my bag. I didn't have the urge to play on it once. So I figured that it was time to say goodbye to it - if I'm not going to use it on holiday, when am I going to use it? The games for it have gone on Amazon too, so we'll see how those do.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

So we're in Polzeath now, and looking forward to a few days of surfing and power kiting. Finished "Angels & Demons" in record time, and about to start "The Da Vinci Code", which is apparently even better! I may try posting a phone photo of the view from our tent too...

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

We're in St Ives, and it's really rather warm. And I'm more than halfway through "Angels & Demons" by Dan Brown. I haven't been so absorbed by a book in ages!